SD6 aliquot bar

Conrad Hoffsommer
Thu Nov 19 07:27 MST 1998

the day started dark and dreary, then got worse.;-{{{{{

A message greeted me this morning saying there was a string broken on the
old beater Baldwin SD-6.  Actually there were two broken...

All of one unison, and aliquot bar was missing. It's the style that looks
like a squat monopoly house/mushroom house (not a "T" shaped one).

It is probably somewhere in the piano (or at least I hope!), but I've done
everything but put it on it's side to try to find it. I even dustmopped the
floor! The soundboard is cleaner now than it's been in years.

I put strings in, but downbearing is a bit high ;-}

Anybody have any spares? 


Conrad Hoffsommer
Luther College		(319)-387-1204
Decorah, Iowa 52101-1045

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